I LOVE my iPhone! I don't know what I ever did without it. I am one of those women who have about 9 million applications for everything! I'm all about making life simpler.
Here are a few apps that I can't live without:
- Bank of America - I have always been very OCD about my banking. I am guilty of checking my balance at least 48 times a day which was a pain in my ass because I would have to call the bank, type my sixteen digit account number and my nine digit social security number then sit through the automated system. Who doesn't love that? Then if something for some reason was awry there was no way for me to access it unless I was in front of a computer. This app lets me save my username and all I have to do is type in my password then I have all my info. Its secure and so easy.
- Facebook, duh. Enough said.
- Twitter - although I don't "tweet" I have stalkerish qualities I guess you could say and I like to know who's doing what.
- Google - I tend to Google anything and everything, so its great to have it at my fingertips when ever should feel the need to Google.
- XM Sirus Radio - So easy to use, just type your username and password and there you have it. I haven't figured out yet if that means my husband is unable to use his from his car too since I'm logged in on my phone but either way, its nice to have satellite radio when I'm cleaning or doing laundry.
- AOL radio - I love AOL radio, its very similar to Sirus, except free, and in my opinion there's more to chose from.
- Target - I like to check weekly deals and clearance items and that's the first thing that pops up. Simple. I love it.
- Dictionary.com
- Starbucks - This app is pretty awesome. I've been behind customers when they've ordered what sounded like extravagant beverages and I've always wondered what choices I had to make my perfect coffee. The app walks you through all your choices and then you can repeat verbatim to your barista (or baristo) whatever drink you so desire. You can also save your drink for future reference.
- Web MD - Just like the website. Its awesome!
- Yelp - I like to do my research and read reviews on products or places before investing time or money so this app is helpful. Its also just like the site.
- RedBox - I can search which RedBox has the movie i want to rent, then have it held for me until I go pick it up. It tells me which RedBox is closest.
- Ebay
- Weather Channel - the phone comes with an already installed weather app but I like the Weather Channel, because even though half the time turns out to be inaccurate, I like being able to read a more in depth weather report.
- Bejeweled - I'm an addict and in my opinion the phone version is easier to play than the computer version. $2.99 I believe
- TFLN (Texts From Last Night) - Hilarious.. I think this one is $.99 but worth the dollar.
- traffic.com - I haven't figured out the easiest way to use this but my main concern is highway travel so it gives me an idea what the traffic is like.
- urban spoon - This is pretty cool. Just shake the phone and it will bring up a random restaurant in your area. Takes the annoyance out of the twenty minute "Where do YOU want to eat?" conversation.
- imdb - I literally use this app five times a day
- USPS/Fedex/UPS - Great for tracking packages. Very easy!
- Sit or Squat - This is good for city living or if you have children. It compiles a list of usable restrooms in the area.
- TV Guide - easy to use, very useful if you're on the go and need to know whether or not your show will be a repeat. You can search shows and it will bring up a list of when its on next. You can save favorite shows or channels.
- Taxi Magic - This is perfect for those nights you know you need to get home but maybe had a little too much to drink. I've been there and its my opinion that trying to call for a taxi and figure out the exact location can be close to impossible when you're not of a sound mind. This app does all the dirty work for you, it literally is magic!
As I said, I have about a million apps but these are just a few of my favorites!
All the applications listed are free with the exception of the ones with the price listed.
All the applications listed are free with the exception of the ones with the price listed.
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